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Bicycle Bakery Photo Gallery

Local and Sustainable

Made by Hand

We’re passionate about baked goods delivered in a sustainable manner. Our bakery was founded in 2020 by Kate, Jack, Matt and Jill, and we are committed to serving up delicious fresh breads, cookies and biscuits to all of our customers who live in Glenora, Grovenor, Parkview, Crestwood, Laurier, Rio Terrace, Patricia Heights, Westridge, Oleskiw and Belgravia.  On occasion we will venture farther afield to serve a few special customers.


We bake with the best quality ingredients, and everything we bake tastes amazing.  


Fill out the contact form to place an order

Orders are accepted for the following week after 12 noon Sunday until Thursday at 5 pm

$25 minimum order


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©2020 by Bicycle Bakery. Proudly created with

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